Tenants on a lease can be amended during a lease term with the Lease Amendment Concerning Tenant Change (TAR 2211). All previous and remaining tenants, as well as the landlord, should sign the document.

Tenants on a lease can be amended during a lease term with the Lease Amendment Concerning Tenant Change (TAR 2211). All previous and remaining tenants, as well as the landlord, should sign the document.
Wow. I had this situation come up this weekend. The tenant’s girlfriend was on lease as an occupant. Since they are no longer together, he wanted to remove her as an occupant. Since she is not listed as “Tenant but as Occupant” could you use the same form to remove her?
If the tenant that is on the lease and whose credit was checked at the start of the contract wants out and wants to sign the amendment to remove his name and write in the new tenant, the new tenant needs to be approved by the landlord first?
Yes, the landlord has to agree before the change of tenant. If the landlord does not agree, then the form is not signed and the original tenant remains responsible until the end of the lease.
It is the Landlord who makes the final decision as to who remains on the lease and who can be added. Tenant has no authority to add or remove fellow tenants without the landlord’s approval.
I have had common law couples rent from us, and then one leaves. My opinion is, why take them off the lease? If one is remaining, and cannot make good on rent, the second should also be held responsible since their leaving is bringing about the hardship. I would be very reluctant to “just” take someone off of a lease.
Can this form be used to add a tenant to the lease?
Would a new lease be written or does this amendment suffice?